Spazio Punch
Spazio Punch is art, fashion, publishing, architecture, contemporaneity. Founded in 2011, is a non-profit Venetian organization on the Giudecca island that investigates and organizes cultural events, exhibitions and talks. It’s located at the Ex Birrerie, in which were produced beer and liquor since the first half of the twentieth century. When Pizzolotto, the last brewer of liquors, closed down, the area was converted into artist studios and artisanal workshops by transforming the industrial spaces into a creative hub. The name of the space recalls its history and is connected to the preservation of an industrial archaeology, which is typical of Giudecca.
Placed in an intermediate zone between institutional and underground, Spazio Punch attracts a composite public that continuously follows the event program. The event calendar is organized into three main areas: the first includes all the cultural events created by Punch team; the second is dedicated to the projects carried out in collaboration with universities and academies, the third one is connected to collateral events of the Biennale Arte, Biennale Architettura and Biennale Cinema.
IT Spazio Punch è arte, moda, editoria, architettura, contemporaneità. Fondato nel 2011 a Venezia, nell’isola della Giudecca, è un’organizzazione non profit che fa ricerca, progetta e realizza eventi culturali, mostre, momenti di incontro. Ha sede nelle Ex Birrerie, che dalla prima metà del Novecento ospita la produzione di birra e liquori. Quando l’ultima distilleria, Pizzolotto, termina l’attività, il complesso viene convertito in studi d’artista e laboratori artigianali, ripensando gli spazi da industriali a creativi. Il nome dello spazio richiama la sua storia e si lega alla conservazione di un’archeologia industriale che caratterizza la zona della Giudecca.
Collocandosi in una zona intermedia tra istituzionale e underground, Spazio Punch attira a sé un pubblico composito che segue in modo continuativo la programmazione, che si suddivide in tre aree: la prima include gli appuntamenti culturali prodotti dal team di Punch, la seconda progetti in collaborazione con università e accademie, la terza accoglie eventi collaterali alla Biennale Arte, Biennale Architettura, Mostra del Cinema.
Augusto Maurandi, Founder and Director
Metodo studio, Communication and design agency
Rita Erster, Events
Marta Girardin, Logistic
Lorenzo Pesola, Technical consultant
Website by hstudio
— Machine Wreckers
— Superorganismo
— Lesbos 2174
— Sniffing Books. Myths, Stigmas, and Writings on Drugs
— Nomadic Party
— Fragile Masculinity
— Mother Nature
— Tropes of Vulnerability
— BrutaLabel
— Garage Dallegret
— Pareidolia
— I Pity the Garden
— Bookzilla
— BelMondo
— The Forbidden Garden of Europe
— Visions Comestibles
— Penisola
— TV Punch
— Emporio
— Pesi Massimi
— Shoplifter. Chromo Sapiens
— Nel paradiso dell’Antropocene
— Athens. A Belgian Diorama
— Jacopo Benassi / Carlos Casas / Saodat Ismailova
— Cruising Pavilion
— Il faut cultiver notre jardin
— La fabbrica illuminata
— Incompiuto
— Egill Sæbjörnsson. Out of Controll in Venice
— Positive Magazine. Issue 3 Launch
— Punch Pop Up / second edition
— Fermento: Progettare una birra
— Ola-Dele Kuku. Diminished Capacity
— Copritelo con l’edera!
— Punch Pop Up / first edition
— Artwort & Cactus
— 1914 Now. Four Perspectives on Fashion Curation
— Synchrodogs. Naturally Occurring
— Re-visioni
— Interno domestico
— A Matter of Memory
— Dora Garcia. The Joycean Society
— Trolleyology in Venice
— Christoph Ruckhaeberle and Lubok Verlag
— Moda. The Designer’s View
— Altre editorie
— Oggi a me, domani a te
— Sustainable Design from Finland
— Fotografare stanca: Italo Zannier
— Senza titolo
— Porous City
— L’edicola
— Working for Change